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Experience the Elite Difference! 

Quality, personalized, one-on-one patient care delivered in a unique fitness/sports performance facility.

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Physical Therapy: Stoughton

At Elite, we specialize in orthopedic and sports physical therapy and our mission is to help our patients return to a level of health and fitness that allows them to enjoy an active, pain-free and physically fit lifestyle. Whether your goal is get back on the field, return to work after an injury, or simply get back to doing the activities you love, we take pride in our results and are committed to helping you meet your goals and return to the activities and sports you enjoy.

Our experienced, highly-skilled clinical staff employ a hands-on, active approach to treat patients of all ages. All of your appointments will be one-on-one with your therapist, ensuring that you receive personalized care to deliver the best results. Unlike most PT clinics, our clinics include access to a fully-equipped gym and sports performance center, making us the perfect choice athletes or weekend warriors looking to get back to sports. Regardless of age or injury, we treat all of our patients with the same goals in mind – to help you get back to the activities and sports you enjoy and discover a lifetime of fitness!

physical therapy session

Hours of Operation

We offer both convenient early morning as well as later evening appointments to allow our patients flexible scheduling you can consistently attend your treatment sessions.

Stoughton Clinic:
Monday – Thursday: 6:30AM – 7:30PM
Friday: 7:00AM – 1:30PM

Worker Doing Limb rehab

Personalized Care With Our Expert Team

Our dedicated team of licensed and highly trained Physical Therapists are committed to helping you reach your goals and get back to the activities you enjoy. We employ a one-on-one treatment model to ensure you receive the best quality care and a personalized treatment plan designed by an expert clinician. At Elite, you’ll always be treated by a skilled and licensed Physical Therapist dedicated to helping you achieve the best possible outcome.

Become a Member and Experience Fitness Like Never Before!