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Manage your account online!

You can manage your account through iClub. If you are registering for the first time, you will need your unique agreement number, which starts with the numbers "7179" followed by 5 numbers unique to your membership. Within iClub, you can manage your billing options, view invoices, register for group exercise classes, and more! Please contact the club for details if you have any questions.

Login to iClub
Register for Group Exercise Classes

Register for Group Exercise classes conveniently through iClub OR through Elite's mobile application! ALL classes are included in every Elite membership. For details on classes, please visit the Group Exercise class description page.

Register for Classes
Sign Up for Extended Hours

Premium members can sign up for extended hour access using our OpenPath system. Access the gym 4AM-11PM Monday-Friday and 5AM-6PM Saturday-Sunday.

Sign up for OpenPath

Cancel Membership

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