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Zak Thomas – November Athlete of the Month

Zak Thomas, a sophomore from North Providence, made his debut at Elite in last month’s ‘Dynamic Warm-Up’ series for National Physical Therapy Month. Zak is relatively new to Elite, he’s been a member since early August! He plays multiple positions around the diamond (pitcher, first and third base) for the GBG Hawks Northeast and in the spring, for Dexter Southfield. The power-hitting 1B/RHP made his mark for the 16U-NE team last year after a monster high school season. After graduating from high school, he will continue his baseball career as a Bobcat while studying psychology at Quinnipiac University.

Zak Thomas Workout pic

In just three months, Zak has improved significantly in lower body strength, power, quickness, and flexibility. He came to Elite in hopes of becoming stronger and faster; his coach-ability & attitude have helped him do just that! He is always listening and working hard every minute to make the instructed adjustments and influencing others in their pursuit of excellence. A coach once questioned Zak, “Do you want to be a ballplayer?” and this question stuck with Zak ever since… making him realize that “my work is never done and the day I stop working is the day it ends!”

Zak Thomas test result

In an effort to get to know all the athletes of Elite Sports Performance & Physical Therapy in Foxboro, each month the entire Elite staff selects an athlete that demonstrates an “athlete mindset.” We are so happy to acknowledge Zak Thomas as Athlete of the Month for November, he is a tenacious competitor and tremendous teammate and well-deserving of this accomplishment. We look forward to continuing to work with you this off-season in preparation for your high school season. We hope you will one day achieve your ultimate career goal of playing in the MLB! Way to get after it and be Elite, Zak!

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