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Girl doing exercise using landmine
A landmine is a short tube where one end of an Olympic bar is mounted into a base (or swivel-joint) that allows for 360 degrees of movement. This humble-looking apparatus is one of the most versatile, effective fitness tools allowing movements not possible with just a barbell. Here at Elite, our training programs include foundational athletic movements consisting of pressing, pulling, squatting, lunging and rotation. The rotational component of the landmine allows for a variety of angular and rotational strength exercises to be performed such as: crossbody pressing and anti-rotation core strengthening. This piece of equipment is great for targeting multiple body parts in one exercise and more accessible to lifters with mobility restrictions, injuries or deficits in their movement patterns with minimal risk of injury.

Girl doing exercise using landmine
Most of the exercises performed using a traditional barbell can be performed using a landmine with an added degree of difficulty! Some popular exercises include squats, rows, single-leg deadlifts, presses, and thrusters. The landmine squat builds strength and explosive power in the lower body. This is a great alternative to a traditional barbell back squat because it allows users to better understand and achieve proper squat form, especially at the end range. Landmine presses are shoulder-friendly, integrate hip and core stability, and directly relate to standing push strength. The rotational exercises performed exclusively with a landmine and barbell will have direct carryover into sports like: baseball, tennis, golf and boxing/MMA.

Boy doing exercise
In 2017, the Strength and Conditioning Journal issued an article discussing the benefits of implementing the landmine single-leg Romanian deadlift (SL RDL) into strength training programs. This specific movement is a unilateral movement (using one side of your body at a time), and many sports and daily movements are unilateral as well. Incorporating the SL RDL into your training program develops unilateral strength, stability through a single weight-bearing limb, core stability and balance throughout the entire movement. The muscles targeted include: hamstrings, glutes, and core – keeping these muscles strong can help prevent future injuries. This type of exercise is often used in rehabilitation settings because it eliminates the ability to compensate for a weaker or injured side, again, building unilateral stability and strength.

If you / your child are interested in learning more about the landmine or how to implement some of these exercises into your training program, come see us! Our knowledgeable trainers and physical therapists are happy to answer any questions you may have and get you started on increasing your functional strength and enhancing athletic performance. Prepare to ‘get after it’ with these new landmine exercises!


Weaver, A. N., & Kerksick, C. M. (2017, February). Implementing Landmine Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift into an Athlete’s Training Program. Strength & Conditioning Journal, 39(1), 85-90. doi:10.1519/SSC.0000000000000279