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Ty Callanan geting a backpack

Ty Callanan, 13, of Stoughton, is a student-athlete at O’Donnell Middle School and has been training at Elite Sports Performance for the past year. Even though Ty’s relatively new to sports performance training at Elite, despite his relatively young age he’s no stranger to the gym. His dad, Keith Callanan, is one of the owners and founders of Elite and Ty has spent a lot of time at Elite over the years!

However, as a talented and motivated 3-sport athlete (lacrosse, basketball, and football), Ty decided about a year ago that it was time to start training consistently in an effort “to get bigger, faster, and stronger.” He began working out 2-3 days per week with Elite Sports Performance Coach, Danny Ramsey, BS, CSCS, and over the past year has seen some great results. “My agility, speed, strength, and focus have really improved to the point where it really shows on the field and court,” Ty tell us. “I have also gone from lifting light weight to much more weight. I want to continue to improve my strength, while also balancing this with improving my speed, agility and flexibility.”

Ty Callanan doing workout

Ty has been seeing his hard work in the gym translate into success on the lacrosse field this spring. Despite being one of the smallest and youngest players on his team, he’s already notched 4 goals in his first 4 games! He’s seen firsthand his hard work paying off and has no plans to ease up on his training regimen. When asked what defines a true athlete, Ty says, “A true athlete needs dedication, hard work and perseverance. Hard work beats talent when talent refuses to work hard.” When asked what advice he might give to other athletes looking to improve their game, Ty keeps it simple: “Keep your eyes on the prize and work for everything you get. Always try your best and work hard day by day to reach your goals.”

Now that he has a year of training at Elite under his belt, Ty realizes that his favorite part about training at Elite is “the community and the friendliness. Elite has a great set up with sports performance and has everything you need.” His favorite stretch is the World’s Greatest Stretch (hip flexor stretch) and his favorite exercise at the moment is the Hex Bar Deadlift and various exercises using the COR-XT Functional Trainer. He tells us he plans to continue training at Elite “to keep getting better and to improve physically, mentally, and socially.” When asked why he’d recommend Elite to a friend or teammate, he tells us, “I would recommend Elite because of my results and how I have changed in a short time…Elite is a game-changer.”

Ty Callanan doing workout

Even though Ty’s only 13, he already has big plans and dreams for the future. “My dream is to go D1 in a sport but just making it on a college sports team is my goal. My main goal is to go to college for a sport and get my degree. My sports have taught me many things, like keep grinding for what’s ahead of you.”

Based on what we’ve seen from Ty over the past year, we have no doubt that with his work ethic, determination, and commitment to being the best athlete he can be, the sky is the limit! Congratulations, Ty, keep up the great work, and we look forward to seeing what you can achieve in the years ahead!

Ty Callanan doing workout

Elite Sports Performance & Physical Therapy offers Sports Performance and Athlete Training programs at both our Foxboro and Stoughton locations. Check out our Summer Sports Performance Special below, a 10-week comprehensive and personalized training program. To learn more about our programs for athletes of all ages and sports and how YOU or an athlete in your family can become our NEXT Athlete of the Month, click HERE or email us at!

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