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Ryan Fosella getting a back pack

Ryan Fossella, 16, of Foxboro, has been training at Elite Sports Performance and Physical Therapy in Foxboro for the past two years. Ryan, a tennis, hockey, and golf player for the Warriors, came to Elite with a specific goal: to get stronger and faster. As a 3-sport high school athlete, Ryan values the importance of a personalized strength and conditioning program to maximize his performance in his sports. Since he began training at Elite, Ryan has seen significant improvements in his speed on the ice, footwork on the tennis court, and distance in his drive off the tee. Ryan credits his dedication to his strength and conditioning program at Elite to his success in his sports. With that being said, Ryan is still hungry for more and will continue to train at Elite to increase his strength and power and continue to improve his speed on the ice and agility on the tennis court.

Ryan Fosella doing workout

Over the past several months, Ryan has worked under the supervision of Elite Sports Performance Coach, Katie McCarthy, BS, CSCS and Coach James Cuneo, BS, CPT, who have been impressed with his commitment to his training program even during his sport seasons. Ryan remained consistent with his training through his high school sports season in order to continue to improve his performance and maintain the impressive gains he had made. Check out his scores over the years below to see his progress!

Ryan Fosella test

When asked what defines a true athlete, he tells us, “A true athlete is someone who never gives up, has a good attitude, and is always looking to get better.” When asked what advice he might give to younger athletes, he suggests beginning training early to gain the upper edge over your competition and to work hard from day 1. Down the road, Ryan hopes to attend college to study aeronautical engineering. His ultimate career goal is to work with and fly planes. He also hopes there is an opportunity to continue playing tennis during his college career.

Ryan has been training at Elite consistently for over 2 years, which is a big reason why he’s continued to make gains and see positive results. He tells us that one of the main reasons he’s remained so consistent is because he knows his training has helped him gain strength, speed and power. He also enjoys the small group training environment and getting to know other athletes he trains alongside with at Elite. He said he would highly recommend Elite to his friends and teammates because of the “constant supervision, safe environment, and encouraging atmosphere while following a strength program to get you stronger.”

Ryan Fosella doing workout

Elite is excited to announce Ryan Fossella as our Elite Athlete of the Month for April 2022! Keep getting after it and making us proud!

Elite Sports Performance & Physical Therapy offers Sports Performance and Athlete Training programs at both our Foxboro and Stoughton locations. Check out our Spring Sports Performance Special below, an 11-week comprehensive and personalized training program. To learn more about our programs for athletes of all ages and sports and how YOU or an athlete in your family can become our NEXT Athlete of the Month, click HERE or email us at!

Summer SPC Program

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