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R.-Bille Athlete of the Month

Ryan Bille, 13, hails from Easton, MA began training at Elite last July after doing some extensive research on sports performance facilities in the area. He chose Elite because he really liked the idea of training in small groups while also receiving a personalized training program that was unique to him and his needs.

Ryan plays defense and goalie in lacrosse and also plays flag football. His sports performance goal when he first arrived at Elite last summer was to improve his speed and agility. After attending Elite’s SPAR (Speed/Power/Agility/Reaction) and STRENGTH sessions all summer (some sessions as early as 6 AM!), Ryan began to see the improvements in his speed, power, and strength, and knew he wanted to continue to train at Elite. He returned in the fall once school started back up and has never looked back!

Ryan is ALWAYS the first athlete to arrive for his session and has been one of Elite’s most consistent athletes over the past year. He has been training 2-3 days per week, sometimes even 4 days per week, to make sure he is achieving the goals he has set for himself. Ryan is always up for a challenge and enjoys learning and performing a new training program when it is time to progress. His favorite exercise so far is the Trap Bar Deadlift.

Ryan has been ‘getting after it’ and as a result, he’s been improving every day he steps foot in Elite. See for yourself in his test scores below! He continues to train because, in his words, he wants to “be his best self.” He truly gives it his all every time he trains and is usually supporting other athletes as they go through their training program as well. Ryan describes a “true athlete” as one who is “motivated, dedicated, confident, and persistent.” Wise words, Ryan! We certainly agree and know that you are great example of these qualities!

R.-Bille test

In the future, Ryan hopes to attend college and hopefully play lacrosse at the collegiate level. At the moment, he believes he may be interested in pursuing a career in law enforcement but is still open to other career options as well.

Based on Ryan’s dedication to training and his sports, we know the sky is the limit for him when he reaches high school next year! Congratulations to Ryan Bille, our Elite Athlete of the Month for February, 2022! Keep getting after it and making us proud, Ryan!

Elite Sports Performance & Physical Therapy offers Sports Performance and Athlete Training programs at both our Foxboro and Stoughton locations. To learn more about our programs for athletes of all ages and sports and how YOU or an athlete in your family can become our NEXT Athlete of the Month, click HERE or email us at!


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