Category: Our Blog
Kyle Murphy, a sophomore at Mansfield High School, arrived at Elite last summer to prepare for his first high school football season.…
Now that summer is in full-swing and the hot and humid weather has arrived, it’s a good bet your AC systems and fans are in constant use. Here at…
Here at Elite Sports Performance and Physical Therapy in Foxboro and Elite Health and Fitness in Stoughton, we have quite a few weekend…
National Physical Therapy Month recognizes the impact physical therapists and physical therapist assistants make in restoring and improving motion…
If you did not know already, Elite’s physical therapy and training staff are offering COMPLIMENTARY athlete injury risk assessments to all…
… Well, maybe after a workout with Pete or Boot Camp with Larry, or, in the other sense of the word, if you are having foot pain that is wreaking…
When you decide to that you want to run a marathon, you can expect a full year of commitment. Training for a marathon takes a lot of dedication and…
Tired of pain in the front of your knees? Strengthening your knee and hip muscles can help!
Here at Elite, our team of physical therapists sees…
National Physical Therapy Month recognizes the impact physical therapists and physical therapist assistants make in restoring and improving motion…
The anti-rotation cable press, known to many as the ‘Pallof Press,’ is a core strengthening and stabilization exercise commonly used in both…