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National Physical Therapy Month
National Physical Therapy Month recognizes the impact physical therapists and physical therapist assistants make in restoring and improving motion in people’s lives. Ben, Eric, Meredith and the entire Elite PT team are so proud of the outstanding accomplishments so many of our patients have made over the past year. Through hard work, a commitment to their therapy and rehab programs, and a relentless drive to return to doing what they love, our inspiring patients continue to remind us of why we do what we do! We’ve also had a number of our former patients decide they wanted to impact the lives of people every day by entering into Doctorate of Physical Therapy programs and joining our profession. That’s the greatest compliment we could ever receive and we could not be prouder!

In recognition of National Physical Therapy Month, Elite’s PT and training staff will be offering athlete injury risk assessments COMPLIMENTARY to all current, new clients or athletes. This will include the Functional Movement Screen, Y-Balance Test, and other objective functional tests as appropriate. Using the data collected from these tests, we will produce a ‘Client Injury Risk Summary Report‘ to demonstrate both areas of strength and areas for improvement to help decrease the risk of a non-contact sports injury. We will also compare your injury risk to your age-matched peers.

Thank you to all of our patients for continuing to inspire us.

Injury Risk Assessments must be scheduled in advance.
CALL US @ 781-573-4205 or EMAIL US to schedule your assessment TODAY!

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