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A women doing workout with her couch

Morgan Macdonald, 15, of Easton, has been training at Elite Sports Performance & Physical Therapy in Stoughton since June of 2023. Morgan has been dancing for 12 years and has played lacrosse for the past three years as well. She is a member of her dance studio’s select performance team, for which she earned her 5-year trophy in 2021. Morgan first came to Elite as a personal training client with the goal of improving her strength, endurance, and speed. She transitioned to our Sports Performance program shortly thereafter, where her hard work and dedication to her training has resulted in excellent progress and big strides towards these goals.

A women doing workout

This past summer, Morgan trained consistently twice a week under the supervision of Coach Bill Jalbert, CPT and Coach Jon Freeman, B.S. She has improved her strength, power, and endurance, which she hopes to utilize in the upcoming high school lacrosse season. Her favorite exercise is the sled push (she recently achieved a PR of 235 lbs!) and her favorite dynamic stretch is the quad pull.

When asked how she would define a “true athlete,” Morgan emphasized that it “is someone who works hard and uses failure to help them move forward.” She identifies her favorite athlete as her Aunt Tina, a life-long ballerina, who Morgan explains “kept dancing, even when dancing was hard.” When asked what advice she would give to younger athletes, Morgan tell us, “I would tell them to keep pushing and improving because there are always better things to come.”

When asked about her favorite part of Elite’s atmosphere, Morgan pinpoints the kindness and support of the coaches at Elite. She shared that she would recommend Elite to everyone, “because no matter your level, you get treated with respect and are pushed to become a better version of yourself.”

A women doing workout

In the future, Morgan plans to attend college and continue to participate in at least one of her two sports. She would like to major in Exercise Science and minor in theater. For her career, she hopes to go on to perform on Broadway and/or become a pediatric physical therapist.

We are thrilled to announce Morgan Macdonald as our September 2024 Elite Athlete of the Month. She has shown us that with consistency, a strong work ethic, and a positive attitude, the sky’s the limit! Congratulations, Morgan! We look forward to following your bright future ahead!

Elite Sports Performance & Physical Therapy offers Sports Performance programs and Sports Physical Therapy  at both our Foxboro and Stoughton locations. To learn more about our programs and services for athletes of all ages and sports and how YOU or an athlete in your family can become our NEXT Athlete of the Month, click HERE !

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