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A girl with her couch

Makayla Beane, 17, of Bridgewater, has been training with Elite Sports Performance in Stoughton since December of 2023. Makayla is a Varsity-level swimmer and soccer player for Bridgewater-Raynham HS, and also plays soccer for the Liverpool Football Club.

Recently, Makayla was named captain for her club soccer team, an accomplishment that she feels is due to her “commitment to her team and dedication to showing up and working hard.” Makayla has also had great success in the pool this past season. She improved her time in the 500m freestyle by almost 40 seconds, and placed 3rd in the 100m backstroke at her league meet. Makayla credits her consistent training at Elite for helping her make significant strides within her sports, explaining that training at Elite has not only improved her strength and conditioning, but also “renewed her work ethic.”

A Girl Doing workout

Makayla first came to Elite with the goal of gaining strength and building muscle in order to improve her performance. Since beginning her training, she reports feeling stronger in her movements for both her sports, and finds that she has greatly improved her breath control as well. Her favorite exercise is the single-leg deadlift, and her favorite stretch is the lateral lunge.

When asked what defines a “true athlete,” Makayla describes “someone who is always willing to work through the areas in which they struggle, in order to get better.”  She identifies humility, willingness to learn, mental toughness, and a strong work ethic as key characteristics. She names her dad as her biggest role model, explaining that “he is the picture of strength and health, and is always willing to teach and to learn.” She also acknowledges that he “pushes [her] to be the best [she] can be, in the same way he pushes himself.” When asked what advice she would give to younger athletes, Makayla emphasizes the importance of “always putting your best foot forward.” She adds that all young athletes should remember that “everything they want is in reach if they fight for it and push themselves.”

A Girl Doing workout

Looking towards the future, Makayla plans to go to college for a business degree. While she hopes to continue playing club soccer in college, she plans to focus on her academics first and foremost.

Makayla has demonstrated excellent consistency in her training at Elite throughout the winter and spring seasons (which is a big reason for her impressive gains), and plans to continue this regimen through the summer. She credits the strong connections she has made with the Elite SPC Coaches as her main reason for continuing to train at Elite, explaining that she always “feels safe coming here.” Makayla tell us she would recommend Elite to everyone because of “how amazing everyone at Elite is and how much I’ve grown over the last few months.” Elite is thrilled to announce Makayla Beane as our Elite Athlete of the Month for May. We know that with her strong work ethic, consistency, and mental fortitude, she will continue to achieve great things in the years ahead!

Elite Sports Performance & Physical Therapy offers Sports Performance programs and Sports Physical Therapy  at both our Foxboro and Stoughton locations. To learn more about our programs and services for athletes of all ages and sports and how YOU or an athlete in your family can become our NEXT Athlete of the Month, click HERE !

Enrollment is now open for our 10-week Summer Sports Performance Program! Choose either FOXBORO or STOUGHTON and sign up today!


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