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Lauren “LB” Bonavita, 23, of Hanson, began training at Elite Sports Performance & Physical Therapy in Foxboro this past summer and quickly established herself as one of our most consistent and dedicated athletes. After an impressive soccer career at UMASS Amherst, LB will soon be leaving Elite to play soccer professionally in Australia. Prior to UMASS Amherst, LB was a standout athlete at Whitman-Hanson High School, where she holds the record for most goals scored in a career (113 goals) and most goals scored in a season (43!). LB also played lacrosse in high school for the Panthers.

During her high school career, LB was a three-time All-Eastern Mass All-Star, three-time Patriot League All-Star and as a senior was awarded the Patriot League MVP and named Division I South Player of the Year. Her success continued at the collegiate level; during her first year, she earned Atlantic-10 All-Rookie Team Honors and was named the New England Soccer Journal Rookie of the Year! During her graduate year in the program, LB was the top scorer for her team, third in the conference, and was named to the Atlantic-10 All-Conference First Team and entered into the top 10 for goal scorers for the UMASS Women’s Soccer Program.

A women doing workout

LB came to Elite to train with a former teammate, Elite’s only 2-time Athlete of the Month, Jenna Tivnan, in preparation for their professional careers. Jenna left Elite this past summer to play professionally in Portugal and LB will be heading to Australia at the beginning of 2024. She has been training with Coach Katie McCarthy, CSCS to improve her strength, speed and power. She tells us that she is stronger holding the ball and has seen improved power in her shot since she began training at Elite.

LB tells us enjoys training at Elite because she loves the sense of community here and she is always challenged by her training program. She also loves being able to train with friends and has also become quite the role model for our younger athletes. She enjoys sharing her story and inspiring those younger athletes who aspire to play competitively at the next level. When asked what advice she gives younger athletes, LB says, “continue to work even when you’re doubted, prove yourself everyday, and be proud of yourself.”

Elite is honored to announce Lauren Bonavita as the Athlete of the Month for December, 2023! We are grateful to be part of your journey and are so excited to follow you in your professional career! Congratulations LB, we are so proud of you!

A women playing soccer

Elite Sports Performance & Physical Therapy offers Sports Performance programs and Sports Physical Therapy  at both our Foxboro and Stoughton locations. To learn more about our programs and services for athletes of all ages and sports and how YOU or an athlete in your family can become our NEXT Athlete of the Month, click HERE !

Our 16-week Winter Sports Performance Program kicked off on November 27th so give us a call at 774-215-5401 (Foxboro) or 781-297-0979 (Stoughton) to learn more or sign up today!


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