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Ethan Arbit getting a backpack

Ethan Arbit, 15 of Stoughton, starting training at Elite Health & Fitness Center (Stoughton Location) in August 2021 – and hasn’t stopped since! A ferocious baseball player, Ethan came to Elite with two goals in mind: “to get abs and get strong.” Since training at Elite, Ethan is more confident in his baseball ability than ever before. He plays 2nd base for his baseball team, and is currently attending Stoughton High School. One of Ethan’s proudest accomplishments in baseball was winning a championship in his Babe Ruth league.

Ethan Arbit deadlifting

Ethan is still actively training at Elite in preparation for his baseball season this spring. “My sport impacted my life by making friends”, says Ethan, “I continue to train to run speed has definitely increased and my arm is stronger.” One of Ethan’s greatest accomplishments is when he helped his team get a win by getting the last out, a feat he can attribute to his hard work training.

Ethan values his personalized strength and conditioning program provided at Elite. He trains consistently 2x/week under the supervision of Coaches Pete Rappoli, BS, CSCS, James Cuneo, BS, CPT, and Bill Jalbert, CPT, in Elite’s Strength sessions. Ethan says he would recommend Elite to his friends and teammates; “The gym is very clean and has tons of equipment and has tons of nice people”. As for the culture and atmosphere of Elite, Ethan says, “People try to motivate you and they are very friendly”.

When asked what defines a true athlete, Ethan tells us, “A true athlete is someone with courage and determination and confidence.” Down the road, Ethan wants to play D1 baseball at a high level, and to study medicine in college, in hopes to become an anesthesiologist. When asked what advice he might give to younger athletes, he suggests: “No matter how hard training gets, always focus on your goal, it will be worth it”.

Ethan Arbit batting

We’re excited to announce Ethan Arbit as our Elite Athlete of the Month for January, 2023! Keep getting after it and making us proud!

Elite Sports Performance & Physical Therapy offers Sports Performance and Athlete Training programs at both our Foxboro and Stoughton locations. To learn more about our programs for athletes of all ages and sports and how YOU or an athlete in your family can become our NEXT Athlete of the Month, click HERE or email us at!

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