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A boy doing workout with his couch

Dillon Uniacke, 14, of Attleboro, has been training at Elite Sports Performance & Physical Therapy in Foxboro since January, 2023. Dillon came to Elite as an avid soccer player with one goal in mind: “to get stronger and faster.” After a year and a half of training at Elite, Dillon has done just that and is more confident in his soccer ability than ever before. He’s also noticed big improvements in his explosiveness, balance, stamina, and speed on the soccer field.

Dillon continues to train at Elite in preparation for his first high school soccer season this fall and hopes all of his hard work and gains in the gym will help him at this next level. He understands the importance of the personalized strength and conditioning program provided by the Elite coaches that allow him to develop as an athlete and perform at his highest level. He has been training consistently 2x/week under the supervision of Coach Katie McCarthy, BS, CSCS and Ben Marsh, MS, CSCS  in Elite’s Strength sessions. Dillon’s favorite exercise is the lat pull down and he loves adding weight to his trap bar deadlift.  Dillon also worked hard to improve his speed and agility and has seen significant improvements so far. He believes that his training at Elite has prepared him to compete at a high level and is excited to put his performance to the test at high school tryouts! Check out Dillon’s test scores below to see how his training has improved his speed, quickness, and power!

Table of training observation

When asked what defines a true athlete, Dillon tells us a true athlete is “determined, committed, and motivated.” When asked what advice he might give to younger athletes, he suggests that they “train and work hard and don’t lose confidence in yourself.” Down the road, Dillon  hopes to continue playing soccer at the college level.

Dillon has been one of Elite’s most consistent athletes over the last year and a half, which is a big reason why he’s continued to make gains and see positive results. Every time he arrives at Elite he is ready for the challenge and looks forward to seeing his hard work pay off when testing week comes around. He tells us that one of the main reasons he’s remained so consistent is because he’s seeing results and knows his training has helped him gain strength, speed and power.

Dillon doing jumps

We’re excited to announce Dillon Uniacke as our Elite Athlete of the Month for August, 2024! Keep getting after it and making us proud!

Elite Sports Performance & Physical Therapy offers Sports Performance programs and Sports Physical Therapy  at both our Foxboro and Stoughton locations. To learn more about our programs and services for athletes of all ages and sports and how YOU or an athlete in your family can become our NEXT Athlete of the Month, click HERE!

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