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Brenna with her couch

Brenna Hoyt, of Foxboro, is a sophomore at Foxboro High School and plays volleyball and softball for the Warriors. Brenna arrived at Elite in June of 2021 with plan to return to her sports after suffering a knee injury that required surgery. Brenna worked with Elite’s Physical Therapist, JaneHatzikonstantis, PT, DPT, SCS diligently over the past year. Brenna’s consistency, determination, and positive attitude throughout her rehab were contributing factors to her successful recovery. Brenna always had a smile on her face, even when faced with new challenges.

Brenna has been able to return to her sports and is now in the starting lineup of her volleyball team! Her greatest accomplishment in volleyball is joining the starting lineup, but more importantly, receiving the “Coach’s Award” from her volleyball coach. This award goes to the athlete who demonstrates the coach’s values on and off the court and is a overall great person and teammate to others.

Brenna believes that a “true athlete” is one who “gives it their all 24/7, are driven, and determined.” She also encourages younger athletes to not be afraid to make mistakes and believes “you can only learn from them.” Brenna has always been wise beyond her years and this mindset absolutely proves that. Brenna values the importance of the process and knows that mistakes are an essential part of the process and key to growth and development as both an athlete and a person.

After high school, Brenna plans to continue her education by majoring in biochemistry on her way to becoming a medical scientist. She also hopes to continue to play volleyball at the college level. This may be a few years away for Brenna, but if her dedication to her rehab program is any indication of her study habits in college, she will make a great medical scientist down the road!

Brenna Workout

Brenna has really enjoyed her time at Elite and her favorite part of Elite is the staff she worked with. She has nothing but positive things to say about Jane who was respectful and kind but also challenged her in ways that allowed her to get back to her sports. Brenna’s favorite exercise while at Elite was the leg press as she was able to see her strength gains through the steady increase in resistance. She also tell us she really enjoyed the positive atmosphere of Elite and would recommend Elite to everyone! Elite is honored to name Brenna Hoyt the Athlete of the Month for October 2022! We are very proud of all of your hard work and cannot wait to see what the future holds for you! Congratulations Brenna!

Elite Sports Performance & Physical Therapy offers Sports Performance and Athlete Training programs at both our Foxboro and Stoughton locations. To learn more about our programs for athletes of all ages and sports and how YOU or an athlete in your family can become our NEXT Athlete of the Month, click HERE or email us at!

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