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Annie Mclean getting back pack

Annie Mclean, 16, hails from Canton, and currently is a student at Canton High School. Annie plays a variety of sports, including lacrosse and swimming for the past 9 years, and field hockey for the past 4 years.  She began training at Elite Sports Performance – Stoughton back in July 2022, and works with all of the Stoughton Sports Performance Coaches, including Bill, James, and Kelsey, typically twice per week.  Annie plans on swimming in college and attending a pre-med program, with dreams of becoming a pediatrician.

Annie Mclean dead lift

Upon arriving at Elite, Annie’s goal was to get stronger and put on muscle, and since training, Annie has achieved a PR in every swim event this season! More specifically, Annie has dropped 5 seconds in the 100 fly since training at Elite, and even set a school record in the event. Her recent accomplishments include receiving 9 medals over a 2-week period including relays at states and sectionals. When asked why she still trains at Elite, Annie says, “Individualized programs & culture! Plus, I have seen dramatic results through my performance!”. Annie would like to continue to get stronger and put on more muscle. She says her favorite exercise is the RFE Bulgarian Squat, and her favorite dynamic stretch is the Spiderman reach. Annie’s favorite athlete is Charlotte North, because “she works harder than everybody else”.

When asked what defines a true athlete, Annie emphasizes “Discipline and dedication are necessary to be the best athlete you can be. Showing up and working hard even when you have an excuse not to”.  When asked about the best advice she’s received as an athlete, she tells us, “The most skilled player on the team is not always the best player on the team if they’re not working hard.” Annie’s advice to younger athletes is to “set achievable goals (large or small scale)”.

Annie Mclean working out

Annie tells us sports have made her feel stronger and more confident, and have taught her skills such as time management, and are a great outlet for all her energy.  Annie finds the culture at Elite “super positive and encouraging”, and would recommend Elite to her friends and teammates. “The programs are individualized so every athlete will be training for their specific goals, and it’s super fun!” We believe Annie exemplifies her own definition of a true athlete, and we are so proud of her accomplishments! Congratulations, Annie, for being selected as our Elite Athlete of the Month! We can’t wait to see what the future holds for you!

Elite Sports Performance & Physical Therapy offers Sports Performance programs and Sports Physical Therapy  at both our Foxboro and Stoughton locations. To learn more about our programs and services for athletes of all ages and sports and how YOU or an athlete in your family can become our NEXT Athlete of the Month, click HERE or email us at!

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