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Meet Our Team

Keith callanan, PT, MPT, CSCS headshot

Keith Callanan, MPT, PT, CSCS

Co-Owner / CEO / Physical Therapist

Keith is co-owner of Elite Health & Fitness Center and co-founder of the nationally recognized Elite Sports Fitness Boot Camp program. Keith has over 16 years experience in the physical therapy and fitness industries. Keith earned his B.S. in Exercise Physiology from the University of Massachusetts, Lowell, where he was also a collegiate athlete. Injuries sustained from football inspired to pursue his current career as a physical therapist. Keith received a Master’s Degree in Physical Therapy from Old Dominion University. As a physical therapy student, Keith had the opportunity to work at Langley Air Force Base, collaborating with staff to discuss patient issues, as well as preparing rehabilitative exercise machines for patient use. Prior to founding Elite Health & Fitness in 2001, Keith worked as a physical therapist for the NFL’s Indianapolis Colts, as well as the Methodist Sports Medicine Center. He also had the unique opportunity to work under renowned knee surgeon, Dr. K.D. Shelbourne. As Director of Physical Therapy at Elite, Keith develops treatment plans while educating patients on its purpose and strategy to anticipate functional outcomes. He specializes in the treatment of the knee and is also the inventor of various biomechanical therapeutic devices used throughout the country today, including the COR-XT Functional Trainer ( Keith is certified as a Strength & Conditioning Specialist through the NSCA and is a member of the APTA and PTPN. One of Keith’s proudest accomplishments includes running the Boston Marathon.

Peter Rappoli, MS, CCS, CSCS headshot

Peter Rappoli, MS, CCS, CSCS

Co-Owner / Senior Director of Personal Training

Peter is a co-owner of Elite Sports, Inc. and co-founder of the nationally recognized Elite Sports Fitness Boot Camp program. Peter has worked with several of Boston’s most legendary athletes, including American League MVP, Mo Vaughn, and Olympic Gold Medalist, Jim Craig. He has also worked with Major League Baseball All-Stars including a Boston Red Sox MVP. In addition to working closely with the training staff of both the Boston Red Sox and the Anaheim Angels, Peter was the strength and conditioning coach for the Mo Vaughn, Trot Nixon, Nomar Garciaparra and Jason Varitek Baseball Camps, as well as, Jim Craig’s Gold Medal Hockey School. He is currently the strength and conditioning coach for Dustin Pedroia’s Baseball Camp. Peter has worked as the strength and conditioning coach for Bryant University, Stonehill College, and Suffolk University. Peter has over 20 years experience as a full-time personal trainer and holds a Master’s Degree in Nutrition from Huntington College of Health Sciences. He also has an Associate’s degree in Healthcare Management and a Bachelor’s degree in Health & Fitness. In addition, he holds a Career Diploma in both nutrition and fitness from Ashworth College. At Ashworth College, he was awarded the DETC (Distance Education Training Council) Outstanding Graduate of the year award.

Peter is certified as a personal trainer through ACSM, NCSF, AFAA, FRA, NCCPT, and IFA. He is board certified by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners, a certified strength and conditioning specialist through the NSCA and NSPA, and a certified TRX instructor. He is also a member of the NSCA and on the advisory board for the National Strength Professionals Association (NSPA).

To inquire about training with Pete, please contact us at 781-297-0979 or via email at

Stoughton Staff

William Bill Jalbert, CPT headshot

William "Bill" Jalbert, NASM

General Manager - Stoughton

Bill joined Elite in December 2022 as a Sports Performance Coach, Personal Trainer, and Member Service specialist. In January, 2024, he moved into his new role as General Manager of Elite Health & Fitness Center in Stoughton. Bill is a graduate of the American Academy of Personal Training and holds a NASM CPT certification with a Performance Enhancement Specialization, and has over 10 years experience in personal training and the fitness industry. Bill's special interests in fitness include boxing, functional training, weight loss, sports performance, and kettlebells. He works in fitness because he enjoys seeing people reach their fullest potentials and to see them make strides towards their individual goals.

Kelsey Shobaken headshot

Kelsey Shobaken, BS, ACE

Assistant GM - Stoughton

Bio Coming Soon

Annette Williams, AFFA headshot

Annette Williams, AFAA

Personal Trainer

Annette Williams joined Elite in 2020 as a Personal Trainer, and has an impressive fitness resume including competing in powerlifting competitions, and won the World Championships in 1991 and 1992 with the WDFPF. She held the bench press world record of 90kg 198lbs). Her deadlift was a European record of 157.5kg 346.5lbs). She discovered the gym in college, and enjoyed how when working out, the only person to beat was herself. Annette finds working out empowering both physically and mentally, and hopes to give the gift of strength and fitness to her clients.

Carolina Pokraka headshot

Carolina Pokraka, NSPA

Personal Trainer/Group Exercise Instructor

Carolina has been with Elite Health & Fitness for 13 years as both a Personal Trainer and as a Group Exercise Instructor. It wasn't until she became certified as a Personal Trainer through NSPA that she realized her true passion: to help others succeed in their fitness goals. Carolina was inspired by her own mother's physical rehabilitation needs. She is continuously reading and taking classes to help her keep up with the latest fitness trends, and she really enjoys working both with individuals and group training. Carolina is a great motivator and looks forward to the everyday excitement and challenge of helping her clients to be healthier, happier, and stronger.

Erik Rossi, BS, CSCS headshot

Erik Rossi, BS, CSCS

Personal Trainer

Erik was born and raised in Easton, MA and graduated from Oliver Ames HS where he played football and was a captain for track and field. He attended University of Connecticut and graduated with a Bachelors of Science in Exercise Science. While at UConn, Erik was an ad-hoc intern Strength & Conditioning Coach for multiple D1 athletic programs for two semesters. His main interest is helping people get better and achieve their health & fitness goals. He eventually would like to return to school and earn a Doctorate in Physical Therapy degree and become a licensed physical therapist.

Toni Weir, AFAA headshot

Toni Weir, AFAA

Personal Trainer

Toni joined the Elite Personal Training team in July 2024, bringing with her 16 years of experience in the fitness industry. She is an AFAA certified trainer, group exercise instructor, and former fitness director in the Stoughton area. Toni holds certifications in TRX, indoor cycling, Tabata, and barre, reflecting her diverse expertise. She finds joy in working with clients of all ages and abilities, with a specialization in functional training and injury prevention for older adults. Toni is also a dedicated 13-year PMC participant and takes pleasure in training clients with competitive endurance goals.

Joe Sullivan

Joe Sullivan, AFAA

Personal Trainer

Joe Sullivan joined Elite in 2023 as a group exercise instructor. After gaining a loyal following in his “Power Hour” class, he chose to begin training here as well. Joe is an AFFA Certified Personal Trainer with over 11 years of experience, and has worked with a wide variety of clientele. In addition to his AFFA certification, Joe is TRX and kettlebell ampd certified. He has special interests in injury prevention, law enforcement test preparation, and obstacle course training. Joe’s main goal as a personal trainer is to help his clients feel their best and achieve tasks they once felt were impossible.

Emily Quinlan, NASM - headshot

Emily Quinlan, NASM

Personal Trainer

Emily joined the Elite Personal Training team in January 2025. She is a NASM certified personal trainer and group exercise instructor, with 11 years of experience in the fitness industry. Emily specializes in functional movement and mobility; she is also currently pursuing a certification in Pregnancy & Postpartum Athleticism. Emily enjoys helping clients with lost function and mobility regain previous ability. She has a passion for helping clients improve their quality of life and maintain/create a healthy lifestyle. Outside of the gym, she enjoys painting, walking her dog, and going to the beach!

Man Posing in Gym

Brad Franey, NASM

Personal Trainer
Man Smiling in Gym

Oliver "Ollie" Erickson, ACE

Personal Trainer

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