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Our Mission:

Our mission at Elite is to serve our local communities by providing the best in health and fitness programs and education, sports performance training, and physical therapy and rehabilitation services. We do this by hiring and developing highly skilled, educated and motivated staff, dedicated to serving our clients and patients by providing excellent customer service, evidence-based and compassionate patient care, and effective and innovative fitness and sports performance training programs.

3 women gym members smiling for camera

Our Core Values:

Integrity: Integrity is the cornerstone of everything we do. For the past 20 years, we’ve treated our members, clients, patients, staff, and vendors with integrity and the way that we would want to be treated. Building trust with our members, patients and staff has always been important to us and continues to be a value we hold dear.

Community: As a local business founded by two owners who grew up (and continue to live in) our local community, serving our community by providing quality patient care, a wide variety of fitness programming, and well-maintained facilities has always been a part of who we are. We also host and participate in a variety of community fund-raising efforts each year.

Cleanliness: We’ve always taken great pride in maintaining clean facilities that we could be proud of (and enjoy working out in ourselves!). Our goal of maintaining clean and safe facilities has never been more important to us.

Innovation: From founding one of the first (and largest) Fitness Boot Camp programs in the region in the early 2000s to developing innovative fitness equipment (the COR-XT Functional Trainer in 2019) more recently, our owners and staff continue to offer innovative and effective fitness, sports performance, and therapy solutions to our members, clients and patients.

Teamwork: We realize we’re only as strong as our team, and only as a cohesive, cooperative team can we accomplish our company mission and offer the best services and experience to our clients and patients. We work hard to ensure that our various teams, such as Physical Therapy, Personal Training, and Sports Performance, are working together and communicating effectively to ensure the best results for our patients and clients.

Become a Member and Experience Fitness Like Never Before!