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Every Friday, Premium members may bring a complimentary guest (Free Friend Fridays!).

Yes! We offer day passes for $15 and week passes for $25.

Yes! We offer a complimentary introductory training session to all Premium members. Need more than just an hour? We offer a “Machine Mastery” starter program for new gym goers that are looking to kick start their fitness journey the right way. If you are interested in this program, or exploring other training options, please contact us for more information.

We are staffed 6 AM-9 PM Monday-Friday and 7 AM-3 PM Saturday and Sunday. We offer extended hours for our Premium Tier memberships via our OpenPath door system. These hours are: 4 AM-6 AM & 9 PM-11 PM Monday-Friday, and 5 AM-7 AM & 3 PM-6 PM Saturday-Sunday.

This question is specific to your needs, and what you are looking for in a gym. Our team would be delighted to explore our membership options with you and help you determine the best choice. Please contact us to schedule a time to meet!

Become a Member and Experience Fitness Like Never Before!