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Interested in joining a great team and pursuing a career in fitness?

Shake Bar

At Elite, we’re always on the lookout for talented, motivated, and passionate individuals to join our team, including:

  • Personal Trainers
  • Sports Performance Coaches
  • Group-Exercise Instructors
  • Fitness Sales and Front Desk Staff
  • Marketing and Sales Professionals
  • Maintenance Staff
Fitness Instructor Watching Students

Work With Us

We take great pride in creating a culture at Elite where employees are excited about our mission and passionate about our work. Our company core values of Integrity, Community, Cleanliness, Innovation and Teamwork are the foundation of everything we do. We look for people who embrace our values and are as passionate about fitness, health, and performance as we are, but also interested in serving our community and providing the best possible experience for our clients.

Does Elite sound like a place where you’d be excited to begin or continue your career and contribute your passion, experience and skills? We look forward to hearing from you!

Become a Member and Experience Fitness Like Never Before!