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Jack Yelle, 16, of Easton, is a long-time member of the Elite community and plays basketball for both Oliver Ames High School and the Dana Barros Basketball Club. Jack first began training at Elite in 2019 and trained consistently for a few years before having to take a break from both training and basketball after suffering a serious knee injury requiring surgery and a long recovery process.

In 2023, Jack sustained an ACL and meniscus injury while playing basketball. Following reconstructive surgery, he began his rehab journey at Elite with Sports Physical Therapist, Ben Godin, PT, DPT, SCS. Jack worked tirelessly in physical therapy to improve his strength, range-of-motion, power, speed and agility so that he could safely return to the sport he loved. After “graduating” from PT with Ben, he transitioned seamlessly into Elite’s Sports Performance training program, where he has worked under the supervision of Coach Katie McCarthy, BS, CSCS, to continue his preparation for the upcoming season. He tells us that his consistency and hard work at Elite have helped him reach a point where he feels stronger than ever. Jack has recently returned to playing basketball and we are thrilled to see him back on the court and all of his hard work and dedication in the gym paying off!

When asked what defines a “true athlete,” Jack tells us it is “someone who constantly trains and tries to get better.” These characteristics are always on display during Jack’s PT and training sessions, where he constantly puts in the effort to get stronger, faster, and more explosive. The strong work ethic Jack brings to Elite is something he appreciates in one of his favorite athletes, Russell Westbrook. Jack explained Westbook is his favorite athlete because of his explosiveness on the court as well as his team-first mentality. Although Jack has been working hard at Elite for years, he says that if he were to give advice to his younger self, he would tell him to start training at an even  younger age! 

Looking forward, Jack’s main goal this season is to play a full season of high school basketball for the OA Tigers. We wish him the best of luck in his upcoming season and are excited to see what the future holds for Jack. It is with tremendous pride that we honor Jack Yelle as our Elite Athlete of the Month for October, 2024! Congratulations, Jack!

Elite Sports Performance & Physical Therapy offers Sports Performance programs and Sports Physical Therapy at both our Foxboro and Stoughton locations. To learn more about our programs and services for athletes of all ages and sports and how YOU or an athlete in your family can become our NEXT Athlete of the Month, click HERE ! Our Winter Sports Performance Program kicks off on December 2nd so give us a call at 774-215-5401 (Foxboro) or 781-297-0979 (Stoughton) to learn more or sign up today!